All the content provided at (audio, images, video) is for information and entertainment purposes only. The All Souvenirs Team neither shares any pirated links nor sells third-party media content. All the media content is presented via links and players of commonly known platforms (SoundCloud, YouTube, Vimeo, Discogs, etc), which can be found on the web from open public sources – no downloads available! All footage and music used belong to their respective owners.

We also use crowdfunding platforms with a donate-subscription model for all like-minded people who wish to support our project without any counter-offers. Our supporters subscribe to help fund the project at their discretion, and as a token of gratitude to our donors, we periodically offer exclusive content at our discretion, without making any counter offers. All funds received are used for the development of our project.

If you have any copyright-related questions, please contact us via e-mail ( before making any claims or strikes. You also may contact original uploaders directly on public platforms (SoundCloud, YouTube, Vimeo, Discogs, etc).